Collinsville-Troy CHURCH OF CHRIST

Finding forgiveness through one Lord, one faith, one baptism (Ephesians 4:5)

Newly Sprouting Seedlings

Come share the Lord,
stay awhile

1400 Troy Road
Collinsville, Illinois 62234


Worship Service 9:30 AM
Bible Classes 11:00 AM
Special Activities 11:50 AM


Bible Class (Adult) 1:30 PM
Bible Classes (All Ages) 7:00 PM

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About Us

- History, Organization, Worship

2024 Theme:

The Gospel Is for All

We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, 4. since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love which you have for all the saints; 5. because of the hope laid up for you in heaven, of which you previously heard in the word of truth, the gospel 6. which has come to you, just as in all the world also it is constantly bearing fruit and increasing, even as it has been doing in you also since the day you heard of it and understood the grace of God in truth. Colossians 1:3-6

The Church of Christ in the Collinsville / Troy, Illinois Area

The Collinsville-Troy CHURCH OF CHRIST is a nondenominational congregation of Christians that base their worship, service, and being on the principles found in God's word, the Holy Bible. We follow no creed but Christ, no manual but the Bible, and no authority spiritually but God. Our house of worship (church building) address is 1400 Troy Road Collinsville, llinois 62234 (just west of RP Lumber in Troy, Illinois).  Another landmark is Exit 17 on Interstate 55, about 17 miles east of St. Louis, MO.

Brief History

The following is an excerpt from the February 1962 membership directory.

"The Collinsville Church of Christ met for the first time on April 8, 1956, for Sunday morning services. The congregation at this time consisted of Bro. Stumne and family; Bro. Carmen and family, and Sis. Rossio and daughter.

Church of Christ Clay and Hesperia The original meeting place was 819 Bond in Collinsville, the home of Bro. Stumne, which he rented with the intention of holding services in it.

Services were held in this place for approximately three months, at the end which time, the congregation had increased by three families and two girls were baptized.

During the latter part of June, the Church rented a house on Vandalia Ave., for worship services. While meeting on Vandalia Ave., one family joined the congregation and one family moved away. Services were held at this place about for about two-and-a-half months. At the end of this time, the property was sold and the Church was forced to move.  Being unable to rent another place services were move to the home of Bro. Gallimore.  Two families joined the congregation while at Bro, Gallimore's, making a total of eight families.  Near the end of October, the property at 302 St. Louis Road, CollinsviIle, was contracted for.  The Church took possession in Dec. '56 and services were moved to this address. The property consisted of a two-story dwelling, three rooms upstairs, four rooms downstairs and a full basenent.  In the spring of '57, the building was remodeled,  converting the lower part into an auditorium with a seatlng capacity of 100.

The Church has since purchased the building on the corner of CIay &, Hesperia.

We are fortunate to have, a fulI-time minister, Bro. Windle Kee, working with us at present [1960]. Since beginning services the church has grown from three families to forty-one families and the attendance has increased from 13 to around 125."

The growing church demanded larger facilities by 1968. Property was purchased and a larger facility was built between Collinsville and Troy at 1400 Troy Road, the South Frontage Road. In the late 1980's that facility was renovated and expanded. In the late 1990's the property was annexed by the city of Troy, Illinois."

In 2010, the auditorium and ancilliary areas underwent major renovations to enhance the facility's overall energy efficeincy.

Church Building

The church has a long history of serving the communities around her. The church keeps a stocked food pantry for those who need it. A clothing give away is also conducted at least once a year. Meals on wheels were provided for nearly twenty years in the 1970's and 1980's. A "Thursday School" program provided for children in the 1970's through the early 1990's. Many will also remember the bus ministry of the 1970's.

The church has been a mission minded church.  For many years it oversaw the work of Windle Kee's son, Paul, who served as a missionary to Cameroon, Africa. Other mission efforts include support to missionaries in Russia and the Far East, as well as suppored a prison ministry in Missouri.  From time to time the church supports one-of-a-kind personal evangelistic mission efforts.


As is set out in the Bible, we are not connected with any denominational organization, ruling convention, or national or world headquarters. Our headquarters is in heaven, with Jesus as our head. The Bible authorizes elders to serve in the capacity of overseers or bishops (1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9). We have such men who serve faithfully as elders. They have charge of seeing that the church of Christ faithfully holds to the precepts of the Bible in teaching, service, and worship.

The New Testament church was served by deacons, men who helped meet the needs of the church. One example of how men served is found in Acts 6:1-6. We have qualified men presently serving in this capacity (1 Timothy 3:8-13). They work diligently to serve this congregation of Christians in accordance with the guidance given in the Bible.


Our worship is patterned after the simplicity of New Testament worship as outlined in the Bible. We strive to follow the instruction given by Paul, "And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him" (Colossians 3:17, NKJ). Therefore, when we assemble on the first day of the week, we participate in communion, eating the Lord's supper, as the early church did (Acts 20:7). We, also, have a period of preaching from God's word, as Paul did at the Troas church (Acts 20:7). Our singing is without piano, guitar, or other such instrumentation, since the New Testament church was authorized only to sing as they assembled to worship God, not to play instruments (Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16). We offer prayers to God with praise and adoration (1 Corinthians 14:15). Those who are members also contribute of their monetary means to support the work of the Lord (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).

We preach Christ, and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 1:23). Come worship with us. Come learn of the One who died for all. Come go to heaven with us.


  • Ray Gill
  • Terry Mabery
  • Jason Wright


  • Larry Astrauskas
  • Sean Cox
  • Ryan Endsley
  • Jim Luna
  • Landon Sarver
  • Chris Waldram
  • Reggie Weaver


  • Renn Ferguson
  • Robbi Santiago

Secretarial Staff

  • Gloria Hartmannm
  • Darlene Lunsford

Supporting Works

  • Billy Bland: Russia & The Far East
  • Apologetics Press
  • Spanish-speaking ministry
  • Gospel Broadcast Network
  • In Search of the Lord's Way
  • Potter Children's Home
  • Shults Lewis Child & Family Services
  • Various one-of mission efforts