1400 Troy Road
Collinsville, Illinois 62234
Worship Service 9:30 AM
Bible Classes 11:00 AM
Special Activities 11:50 AM
Bible Class (Adult) 1:30 PM
Bible Classes (All Ages) 7:00 PM
Webcast (live streaming) Live Worship Service TV of our worship service, Bible study, and other engagement opportunities.
View presentations recorded live in our Video Library of sermons and other presentations. Select, look, listen, and stay
with us and the Bible.
Take a walk through the Bible. It's the only book that points to eternity. "Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path." Psalm 119:105
The Bible is the only book that has the words of God. It's like
the only book that was ever written by the hand of God.
It's an old book that has been picked up, put down, forgotten, remembered, attempted to be destroyed.
Yet, it is a new book for the words bound between its covers are always relevant. See for yourself why generations after generations have discovered their creator and themselves through what is written on the pages of the Bible.
We can help through an easy to use correspondence course. Check out the resources on this page or call or email us, we'll dash of a copy in no time: (618) 667-6708 secretary@CTCofC.net
Television Ministry
Sermon Outlines
Bible Study Aids
Three friends come together to discuss Biblical topics, passages, and teachings to learn more about
God's word and apply it to our lives today.
New episodes released on Tuesday mornings @ 8:00 AM.
More info: The Conclusion of the Matter
Hosts: Renn Ferguson, Robbie Santiago, and Ryan Weaver
Lesson 1: Bible Study Video for 3rd-5th grades and their siblings. Facebook post for lesson 1
1. The Names of the Apostles (1.4 minutes)
2. Bible Study- Jesus is
(22.5 minutes )
Have your kids bring their Bible, a sheet of paper and a pencil or marker. This is a 25 minute lesson plus the pauses you take to discuss the topics.
If you would like to print the handouts: -Bible Knowledge - Google Docs --
Handout: Qualities I look for in a Friend
Lesson 2: Unequally Yolked??? Wednesday Night Bible Study Video for 3rd-5th grades and their siblings. Facebook post for lesson 2
Bible Study- Unequally Yoked (8.5 minutes)
The Books of the Bible (2.5 minutes):
Have your kids bring their Bible and last week's Bible Knowledge. See the links below this video for google docs. This is less than 25 minute lesson including the activities below.
After Lesson activities:
1. Equally & Unequally Yoked (1 min video)
2. Bad Character (4.5 min)
This one has two parts, click on the link below the video for the second part.
3. Be a Good